Thursday, November 1, 2007


We have been doing sign language with Lucas and for a few words that we felt would be useful i.e bath, sleep etc.

Whenever Lucas wanted more food he would bang his empty bowl which would get louder and louder. We started to show him the sign language for more which is to point your index finger in the middle of your open palm and repeat the word "more".

He will now point his index finger into his empty bowl and say "more" and bring you his bowl and he will also sign for more in the car and say "more" quite persistently when he wants more crackers (or food in general!) . This sign language thing really does work!

1 comment:

Damaris said...

Hey Arifah,
I really enjoyed reading your blog! Being a mom as well I could really identify with parts of your experiences.
Funny we chose the same layout for our blog, too. :-)
Hope to see you soon!