Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Baby, Teddy & Ta

Lucas is definitely coming out with more new words and keeps on surprising us and here a few recent ones along with dog (his first word), car, na-na (means food, comes from banana), turtle, daddy and mum.

Whilst on the changing table the other day we said to him "hello baby" so as to keep him amused and occupied and he replied back with "baby" (sounded more like ba-bee) but we certainly could understand him and we kept on repeating this so as to hear him repeat it back to us!

Last night I picked up one of his teddy's and said "what's this?" and he said very clearly "teddy!". We then lined up 3 of his teddies and he proceeded to point to each one and say "teddy". Daniel hadn't heard Lucas say teddy (which I didn't know, until I asked if he had heard Lucas say the word) so we got Lucas to point at the teddies again and say what they were and he even gave one of his teddy's a kiss (twice) which I thought was just too cute!

We have been telling Lucas the word "ta" when we give him something or he gives us something and today at daycare he said "ta" for the first time and his teachers were very pleased to hear that! Obviously good manners are very important!

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