Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mummy's little helper

Elsa is now 5 months old and time just flies by! It definitely goes by even quicker second time round.

Lucas is enjoying Elsa a lot and when he comes home from daycare he will go up to Elsa who is usually in her bouncer and say to her "Lucas missed Elsa today".

Every time Elsa has a bath Lucas has to wash her hair, then tummy and then legs and that's him done. We learnt not to bath Elsa without Lucas doing his bit because the one time we did, he had a complete meltdown and we ended up putting Elsa back into the bath so that he could wash her and we could stop the tears!

The same goes for saying good night to Elsa and giving her a goodnight kiss as well as saying bye bye to her in the mornings.

Lucas certainly likes to be included and be mummy's little helper.

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