Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Second Year of Wright's life - a couple entries

A couple entries taken from the journal relating to Lucas' second year...

23 April 2007 - Returning to work - has it been a year already?

My year's maternity leave has come to an end and I returned to work on the 16th April 2007. It's hard to believe it's been a year already since Lucas entered our lives!

Going back to work full-time is a big adjustment for our family and not only am I adjusting so is Lucas. He is loving daycare and is settling in really well and his daily report has stated what a happy boy he is and how well he is settling in. This has made a huge difference in helping me return to work, knowing that my little man is happy and being well cared for. He has two naps at daycare and enjoys playing with the other kids and I think he's enjoying the social interaction and stimulation.

Returning to my old job (as a recruitment consultant in the medical bureau division) has made things a bit easier in the sense that I know the job and it's not all completely new! So saying that though, it is a rather full on job which can make you feel exhausted by the end of the day. My stamina is certainly building up and today was a good day so I still felt human by the end of it and hence why I wrote an entry today!

12 July 2007 - Sign language

Last night we were in Lucas' bedroom playing on the floor and he got hold of the music part of his baby mobile. He pressed the on button and the melody started to play. As it was playing he tilted his head sideways and put the palm of his hand flat against his cheek/face which is the sign language for "sleep".

We were so proud and stoked to see that Lucas was able to make the connection of his mobile music to sleep time and the fact both Daniel and I were there to see this!

1 comment:

googliboo said...

Arifah, it's nice to know that Lucas was able to make a good adjustment with you going back to work. I know how hard it is for working moms to return to work. I was able to work from home for about six months after having Ashar (following a month of maternity leave) and the eighth month back at work saw me through some interesting emotional rollercoaster of events. But knowing that your baby is well taken care of makes the transition smooth. The first week is always the hardest.