Saturday, November 14, 2009

Indian for dinner

We had dinner at our usual Indian restaurant tonight and instead of usually having it takeaway we thought we would dine in for a change.

Lucas knows the place well and says hello to the owner and today he called it "the place that gives big crackers" meaning the popadoms they serve before your meal.

We were reading over the menus and Lucas had a one too. We were taking some time as to what to order and he turned to me holding up his menu and said "I want rice" and closed his menu so that was his order taken care of!

It doesn't take a three-and-a-half year old long to decide what he wants to eat!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November already!

November already...and Elsa is now walking. Two weeks before she turns one! There was some debate as to when she would start walking and I thought it would be just before she turns one and she's proven me correct.

With walking comes a whole new set of pros and cons such as when Elsa misjudged how close she was to the door frame and managed to hit the side of her head into it as she fell onto her hands from standing up. Elsa certainly can get about to any place she wants to in the house and this also includes getting into Lucas' space which he is not happy about. Today he played in his room with the door closed so that his little sister could not bother him. Poor wee sod, and this is only the start!