Sunday, October 18, 2009

Standing all by myself!

What a clever girl my daughter is standing up all by herself!

Going for a ride!

Elsa enjoying a ride on the trolley and Lucas doing one of his camera 'smiles'

Playing in the sandpit

Lucas and Elsa enjoying playing in the sandpit together

Time flying by...

Elsa is nearly 11 months old and soon she will be one.

She is growing so fast right before our eyes and to date she has two bottom teeth so far, can stand up from sitting down, cruises furniture without a sweat and monkey crawls if she wants to get to somewhere quickly. Lucas says she looks like a spider walking when she does this crawl!

Being so mobile also means she wants to participate in whatever Lucas is doing or playing and this often ends in tears with Lucas shouting "Noooooo Elsa" and Elsa having no idea what the commotion is about! Quite a few times Lucas has resorted to playing up at the dinning table just so Elsa's little hands and body doesn't destroy whatever he's playing with.

However, despite this the two of them adore each other. Elsa thinks Lucas is the best thing since sliced bread and Lucas fondly calls Elsa "my baby". It is so neat to watch them giggle and play together and see their sibling relationship grow and development. It definitely makes all the hard work worth it.