Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lucas's first ferry ride

Lucas's first ride on the ferry (and me sporting a very big bump!).

Lucas - 2yrs 7months

Lucas eyeing up mummy's birthday cake!

Good Night Baby

With only 2 weeks to go before bubs due date we have now switched from saying "baby in mummy's tummy" to "baby coming soon" as this baby isn't going to stay in mummy's tummy forever!

Lucas and I bought a present for baby the other weekend and I made a big deal about Lucas picking out the present (a cotton blanket) and we wrapped it up together. The nursery is now all set up and Lucas takes great pride in pointing out that he sleeps in a big boy's bed and not a cot (bassinet).

When we say good night, Lucas will say "Good night Baby" and give my bump a kiss. Lets hope this affection continues once bubs arrives!