Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lucas's first ferry ride

Lucas's first ride on the ferry (and me sporting a very big bump!).

Lucas - 2yrs 7months

Lucas eyeing up mummy's birthday cake!

Good Night Baby

With only 2 weeks to go before bubs due date we have now switched from saying "baby in mummy's tummy" to "baby coming soon" as this baby isn't going to stay in mummy's tummy forever!

Lucas and I bought a present for baby the other weekend and I made a big deal about Lucas picking out the present (a cotton blanket) and we wrapped it up together. The nursery is now all set up and Lucas takes great pride in pointing out that he sleeps in a big boy's bed and not a cot (bassinet).

When we say good night, Lucas will say "Good night Baby" and give my bump a kiss. Lets hope this affection continues once bubs arrives!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cheeky Monkey!

Lucas at 2 years and 3 months clowning around with Daddy.


I've been pretty slack with new blog entries but time has gotten away from me (again!) especially as Lucas has a baby brother or sister on the way! Bubs is due 23rd November 2008 so not long to go now - 12 weeks!

Daniel and I weren't sure when and how we were going to tell Lucas about a sibling on the way but as it turns out we didn't really need to worry too much about it! At my 18 week antenatal appointment the Obst did a beside scan and Lucas was with us. He looked at the TV screen and said "baby!" as he obviously could make out the shape/outline as it was kicking away and sucking its thumb and then looked at me and said "in mummy's tummy!". Every time the Obst moved the scanner thing, bubs would move and Lucas was able to make the connection that what was on the screen related to what was inside his mummy's tummy so I think he now knows there's a baby on the way!

Later that night he lifted up my top and patted my tummy and said "baby" again and then pulled my top back down. When I asked him if there was a baby brother or sister in mummy's tummy he said "sister" but I think that was because sister is easier to say than brother! He now will kiss my tummy goodnight and say "baby" and will also say "baby in mummy's tummy" and having bought a baby capsule recently I think it is sinking in a bit that this baby may be coming home one day soon!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quiet voice

Daniel was having his sleep in on Saturday morning and I entered the room to get the washing. I could hear Lucas coming walking up to the room as he was wondering where I had gone.

When he entered the room I whispered to Lucas "Daddy's sleeping so you will need to talk in your quiet voice" to which he replied loudly "NO!" with great glee.

Daniel had a hard time laughing silently and keeping still!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

"Normal plate!"

Last night we had dinner at the grandparents and the table was already set with Lucas' special plate and bowl (with Peter Rabbit on it) at one end of the table.

We sat Lucas on the chair and I started putting food on his plate. He started to say "Normal plate! Normal plate!" and began to take his food off his Peter Rabbit plate. Daniel and I have never heard him say the word "normal" before but what he wanted was a plate just like everyone else had and non of this baby nonsense with plastic plates that had rabbits on it!

When he was given my plain white plate he was quite happy and content. It just goes to show no matter how small they might be, they just want to be like us adults. It certainly starts at an early age!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Lucas and I were sitting on the couch and he grabbed a framed family photo off the shelf which had me, my sister and parents in it.

I started asking Lucas who was who so would point at myself and say "who's this?" and he would say "Mummy!", then I pointed to my sister Indri and said "who's this?" and he said "Indi" which I thought was pretty close! Then I pointed at my mum and she doesn't have an 'official' grand mother name yet (as my mum wanted Lucas to come up with one) Lucas said "Nana!" so I think that settles that. She will now be Nana. And when I pointed at my dad he said "" as he's 'Grand Pa'.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Oh no!

Currently Lucas' favourite saying is "oh no!" when he spills, drops or trips over something!

Today out in the garden area of a restaurant where it was covered with pebbles with some low growing bushes there were some red leaves that had fallen off. He went up to the area and said "oh no!" looking at all the leaves on the ground. He started to pick up each leaf and say "oh no" and pick up another leaf and try and hold them all into his little hand.

Am not sure if he's turning into a neat freak with all this "oh no!" tidying up!

Monday, January 28, 2008


Lucas was sitting in the toy car in the indoor playground and there was this boy who would have been about 7 or 8 years old. He kept on clowning around and he caught Lucas' eye who kept on smiling and laughing when he was crawling around the play gym.

I said to Lucas "are you going to say hello to him?" and so Lucas waved and then proceeded this by blowing him a kiss!

I'm not quite sure what the little boy thought about that but he did keep on doing silly things and seeing if Lucas was looking!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I love this photo - it captures a typical moment of Lucas playing giddy-up horsey on dad!